Our Current President
John Rice, Haywards Heath & District Probus President 2024-2025
John is an experienced company director running his own organisational transformation consultancy business for over 20 years, also being the Chief Executive of two District Councils; Chief Executive of the largest cultural and leisure trust in the UK; Executive Director of a large unitary Council; Principal of a large College operating in the charitable sector, together with a range of senior appointments in the NHS and local government.
He led the formation of five shared service companies within local government and served as both an Executive Director and Non-Executive Director on Boards including his current role as the Chair and Director of a service charge company. Non-Executive roles have previously included an Association of Greater Manchester Authorities shared services company; a large New Deal for Communities Board in the North West; and Governor and Trustee of a large private school.
John primarily has a background in leading large scale city centre regeneration, environmental management and regulatory services.
John has been an AS Associate since 2001 and continues leading a wide range of recruitment at Chief Executive, Director and heads of service level posts in England, but now primarily in Northern Ireland.
John is an accredited Chartered Director at the Institute of Directors, has an MBA from Kingston University and several other post-graduate qualifications.
John joined Haywards Heath & District probus on his retirement from mainstream employment in 2021 and follows the Probus tradition from his father who was a long term member and past Chairman of the Bramcote Probus Club in the East Midlands.
John is married to Barbara, and they have two daughters, two son-in-laws, two granddaughters and enjoys spending time with his family, travel, photography and coastal walking.